If you’re using WordPress to power your site, the good news is there’s a number of clever techniques and tools you can use to generate customer feedback.
Collecting customer feedback on your website is one of the most effective means of quickly identifying areas of your site which need improvement, with the goal of increasing traffic levels, sales and repeat visitation across your site.
As a product manager, you need customer feedback at every stage of the product development lifecycle to inform your product decisions and help you establish a foolproof product strategy.
Before you even have customers, feedback can be incredibly valuable to you. Before a single line of code is written, feedback from real people can help you validate your concept, size up the market, and estimate potential demand. Before shipping your product, feedback can validate whether you’re actually solving the problems you set out to solve and help ensure your product positioning and messaging are effective. As soon as your product has been released out into the wild, customer feedback can help you not only find bugs and technical issues, but also navigate those difficult “what should we build now?” decisions and prioritize your product roadmap as effectively as possible.
The business climate is changing fast, regardless of what sceptics say. To adapt to the new environment, businesses across all sectors need to understand the magnitude of the shifts taking place. They may seem small and incremental right now, but would you know when a critical mass is reached? And would you know well enough in advance to plan for it?
Just think of climate change as an analogy and the City of Cape Town as an example of how catastrophic the results can be when you don’t pay attention to the small changes, or wait and act when it’s already too late.
If you are not focused on receiving and using customer feedback, you are missing out on an amazing growth tool. Gathering customer feedback throughout the entire customer journey is of great importance to the buyer life cycle, marketing campaigns and the entire customer experience. As focuses shift to improving this experience, continuous feedback will be required.
According to a recent study, 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience. And by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. How do you get the best experience? By listening to the customer, of course.
We are proud to announce the release of a new mobile feedback SDK for companies collecting customer feedback in iOS and Android apps. This innovative solution will continue to provide marketers with an easy way of gathering powerful feedback within their native apps, only now with more customisation options, a wider range of targeting features based on in-app user behaviour and more advanced analysis capabilities.
The digital age has brought with it a horde of data. And coming from various sources and in large quantities, the availability of this data has created many new and insightful opportunities for digital marketers. Modern digital marketers are using data in a myriad of ways, such as gauging success (with Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs), driving improvement (e.g. campaign effectiveness or website usability) and boosting lead generation. However, this heavy reliance on intelligent marketing data necessitates an analysis solution, which comes in the form of dashboarding software.
A successful business is certainly the right mix of various important aspects and customer satisfaction happens to be one of the most important aspects of any business. After all a business can only expect an excellent growth with an increasing growth in its customer-base and on the contrary, a business is bound to fall flat on its face if it fails to please its customers.
Most importantly, in today’s world wherein Social media is extensively used by the people, even a single dissatisfied customer can cause a death blow to a business by sharing one’s negative opinions with the masses. Hence, it’s absolutely important for every business to develop a customer-focused approach wherein every single customer would be treated with utmost importance and care. In this post, we will share 5 excellent ways you can make your customers fall in love with your brand.
With the explosion of social media feedback tools, there are now countless ways your customers can rate you what happened during their experience and how they feel about your organization, products and services.
Customer feedback is not a new concept. It is now much easier for the everyday customer to applaud your efforts – or voice their concerns – of your organization. The tools we use today are different and more democratized.
So here’s the question: what is your organization doing with that real-time customer feedback? And, more consciously, are you using those ideas, thoughts and suggestions to strengthen their experience with your organization? Are you using your customer’s feedback to spark innovation within your organization?
Here are five actionable items that can help you start using customer feedback to drive performance and innovation for your organization.
In this article, we are going to go over the main points of collecting Customer Feedback, why it matters to your business to hone in your customer satisfaction, and finally, answer our main question: why most of you are not doing it properly.
Customer experience surveys are a vital part of every business strategy, intended to provide valuable feedback for e-commerce businesses, but difficult to master.
The trick to customer experience surveys and getting people to actually fill them out is to know their purpose, vary the question types, ask questions clearly and consistently, automate wherever possible and offer an incentive.