Brands in the digital world are owned by employees and customers. They now look for experiences, not processes. When you go to the bank to open an account, the ease and simplicity with which it happens to create the experience. The processes that support the creation of the experience are invisible to the customer/ consumer. That is for the bank to manage. The seamless manner in which experiences are designed depends on the seamless manner in which processes can flow seamlessly between departments.
Today, marketers can add more flourishes than ever to surveys. They can ask customers questions at the cash register, the online shopping cart, in an email, or via text—or in all these places. They can also pile on as many questions as they want... They have the technology to do it, so why not?
And…that’s a wrap for 2017! We are thrilled to report that we’ve published well over 100 blog posts this year. Aside from being a great resource for everything online feedback, the Mopinion blog covers a wide range of digital topics and trends. From Customer Experience and User Experience to the Online Customer Journey and the rise of Mobile, we’ve written articles catered to every digital role.
With the variety of website polls & mini survey tools in the market, it is easy to set up quick feedback sessions on your website. In this blog, I have listed down some set of questions that you can ask your users/customers. And I thought, touching questions in on the different business types will help you at best than splattering them aimlessly.
You know that user feedback is crucial — after all, your users will decide whether your app succeeds or not — but how do you know whether users are being fair and objective in their feedback?
We can tell you: They won’t be. All of your users will be giving you biased feedback. They can’t help it.
Once you’ve built your prototypes based on the ideas you and your team generated, it’s time to gather feedback from the people on whom you are testing these. Optimising how you gather feedback — and, therefore, learn from your prototypes and users — is essential to help you save time and resources in the Prototype and Test stages of the Design Thinking process – and in any other human-centred design process. Being quick and efficient allows you to move rapidly from creating a prototype, to putting it out to test it, to gathering feedback, and finally to creating a new and improved iteration of your ideas. To maximise learning from your tests, we will share six best practice tips on how to gather feedback, as well as three methods (with downloadable templates!) on how you can organise your feedback.
According to a 2015 study by Social Media Link, 83 percent of shoppers discover new products every month through customer reviews and social media.
This demonstrates how consumers today actively look for and engage with information that comes not from salespeople or traditional advertising, but from fellow consumers.
It therefore makes sense that search engines are placing greater importance on online reviews and customer feedback shared publicly on digital channels.
Negative feedback from customers can be a hard pill to swallow. It often feels unjust, unhelpful and inaccurate. Even the most professional business owners can be defensive and emotional in the face of criticism. And while business owners may intellectually know negative customer feedback is critical to improving their business -- a 10-percent increase in Net Promoter Score (NPS) can correlate with a six to seven-percent increase in revenue -- the hard bit is constructively incorporating it.
This article includes seven things every business, small or large, can do to extract as much value as possible from negative feedback.
I will discuss three examples of the Return on Investment (ROI) of online customer feedback. In short, what you can achieve when you give your feedback tool just a little more attention.
With rising customer expectations, the need to deliver an exceptional customer experience (CX) is at an all-time high. And frankly, the best way to achieve this superior level of CX is to visualise it – which is often done using a process called customer journey mapping. A customer journey map essentially tells the story of the customer’s experience – which starts at the initial point of contact all the way through to a long-term relationship – giving us critical information about key interactions along the way. For this process to be a successful one and because it can be quite complex, many business seek the assistance of customer journey mapping tools.