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  1. “Our company,” the CEO’s voiced boomed cheerfully at the company's annual leadership conference, “is an industry leader in customer experience. I’m immensely proud of your efforts in establishing our global reputation for innovation and customer-centricity.” As the applause of the 300 or so company managers began to die down, I glanced at the executive vp sitting next to me. She appeared to be choking on some arugula.

    “Yikes,” she muttered under under her breath.

    I understood where she was coming from. The problem was it was highly unlikely that most of our company’s customers would have agreed with our CEO's assessment.

    In fairness to him, his comments weren’t entirely unfounded; the company’s monthly metrics on customer experience did tell an exciting story. And, as for the marketing department collecting the data, its staff had used common and well-established methodologies.

    But what our leader didn’t realize, was how much of the overall story was data-driven fiction. Specifically, the company's net promotor score -- a single-question metric that predicts customers' loyalty by assessing their likelihood to recommend a company or brand -- was being manipulated by the front-line employees and managers.

    Read the full article here.
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  2. As shown in a research carried out by Capital One, only 9 percent of travelers will book a trip based on brand loyalty. Tough crowd, right? Absolutely, and the truth is, we’re all susceptible to it. In this industry, people are more inclined to just go with the cheapest option. This is why travel organisations have to be more tactical in attracting and engendering loyalty from their customers.

    More forward-thinking travel organisations are taking it one step further and setting themselves apart from the myriad of competitors out there and they’re doing this by way of personalised customer experiences – better known to travel marketers as ‘personalisation’.

    Here’s a closer look at personalisation in the travel industry and the power of intertwining this customer data with user feedback.
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  3. One of the best things you can do to advance your career is elicit real-time feedback at work.

    You will gain a clearer understanding of what you’re doing well—and what you can change—in the moment. That is more powerful than hearing feedback after the fact.
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  4. Skeptics of user experience research often point to the following quote attributed to Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” The logic goes that if Ford had conducted user experience (UX) research and listened to his customers, he would have tried to optimize the horse and would never have invented the car. Real innovation cannot happen by simply iterating in response to customer feedback, but instead requires product visionaries that lead solely based on their intuition. What, then, is the value of UX research?
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  5. We are currently in the midst of a very unusual situation. The ongoing global crisis has left many companies searching for ways to attract new customers while also holding on to existing ones. This situation has – as a result – means that now is a more critical time than ever for these same companies to distinguish themselves from the competition. Just recently, we had a video call with CRO specialist Martin van Kranenburg to discuss conversion optimisation in 2020, how this will be affected and what businesses can do to stay ahead.
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  6. In this opinion piece, Matias Bezzo (pictured below), a senior designer at, discusses the importance of user testing and why clients often refuse to do it.
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  7. A recent survey by Stanford Social Innovation Review confirmed a surprising fact: in an era where customer feedback is ubiquitous in the for-profit world, both doers and donors in the social innovation sphere struggle to systematically understand the preferences and experiences of the people they are seeking to help: the nonprofit customer.

    To be sure, social innovators want to understand their client’s needs. The survey found that 88% of 1,986 respondents reported that “gathering feedback” was one of their priorities in measuring impact. But only 13% were using it as a top source of insight for improving services; and two-thirds said that lack of staff capacity and resources were the major barrier to implementing feedback systems.
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  8. Digital transformation is one of those terms that has been taking the corporate world by storm for the past years. Like it or hate it, it’s here to stay. There are some great examples of digital transformation already happening in industries that aren’t typically digital-first. In this article, we’ll look at some of these examples.
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  9. The digital age has brought with it a horde of data. And coming from various sources and in large quantities, the availability of this data has created many new and insightful opportunities for digital marketers. Modern digital marketers are using data in a myriad of ways, such as gauging success (with Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs), driving improvement (e.g. campaign effectiveness or website usability) and boosting lead generation. However, this heavy reliance on intelligent marketing data necessitates an analysis solution, which comes in the form of dashboarding software.
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  10. There are three core segments in e-commerce: marketplace, payments, and logistics. Of the three, payment is the most sensitive segment for the obvious reason that it handles your customer’s money and therefore, by extension, affects your bottom line.

    With that in mind, how do you figure out the types of payments you should accept and how to integrate that into your new online store? What kind of security would you need? And what about compliance with local regulations and standards?
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Mopinion is a proud sponsor of User Feedback News. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of User Feedback Tools in order to collect feedback from the user. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise user feedback results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.