Tags: user-feedback*

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  1. Is your e-commerce site experiencing weak organic traffic? Columnist Pratik Dholakiya shares some common issues that impact SEO for online retailers and offers a few suggestions. Not long ago, I talked about 16 very specific on-site SEO mistakes that I see very often, and how to fix those issues. Today, I want to shift the focus toward problems that plague e-commerce sites specifically. I’ll also be addressing on-site problems that have a bit more to do with strategy and a bit less to do with specific technical mistakes. Finally, I wanted to make sure we had some real-world examples to refer to, so I mined case studies from the industry to demonstrate the concrete impact these changes can have on your search traffic. Let’s take a look at these problems and what you can do to resolve them.
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  2. Ecommerce is a rapidly expanding business niche, with numerous brands marketing an endless range of products and services for all types of target audience. Providing outreach to international audience without requiring a physical store with nominal investment, almost every brand has a web store for capitalizing on the immeasurable potential of ecommerce. Online shopping provides customers the facility to select their desired products and services from the convenience of their location, which has made it a popular choice among customers.

    With ecommerce retails in US predicted to reach $460 billion in 2017, it is evident that it will continue to be a profitable venture and optimizing for conversions is mandatory for your ecommerce store to surpass competitors. The following 10 ecommerce tips are derived by analyzing trends in 2017 and are designed to optimize conversions for higher revenue:
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  3. Facebook has adjusted its news feed algorithm to favour more current news headlines, meaning more users are likely to see brand posts that are related to “trending topics”.

    The change is based on feedback from users who said there are some instances where posts from friends or pages are only relevant at a specific momen, and that there are times where a post is a day or two old that may not be relevant any more....
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  4. NEW YORK: Over the past year, I stopped responding to customer surveys, providing user feedback or, mostly, contributing product reviews. Sometimes I feel obligated – even eager – to provide this information. Who doesn’t like being asked their opinion? But, in researching media technologies as an anthropologist, I see these requests as part of a broader trend making home life bureaucratic. Consumer technologies, whether user reviews and recommendations, social media or health care portals, involve logistical effort that means more administrative work at home....
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  5. For some time now there has been much hype and hopeful news that Net Promoter Score (NPS) was perhaps after all the Holy Grail of customer satisfaction measurement: one single question with a link to business KPIs. Yet over time the number of sceptics has grown, and they have become more vocal. As professionals that have worked with clients using NPS and other customer satisfaction metrics, we would prefer to take a more balanced view of NPS. We also decided to discuss this view with our associates in the United States and AsiaPac region so we could get a global perspective and draw up the advantages and disadvantages of NPS, with special consideration given to NPS as a predictor of future customer loyalty.
    Tags: , , , by eringilliam (2017-11-07)
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  6. For many (really many) years now we’ve been talking about the disconnect with the customer. And the need to reconnect with the customer as the effects of a perfect storm – that’s been in the make for decades – started being felt.

    The disconnect between what we believe as businesses to be valuable for customers and what customers – people – see as valuable. The signs, research and impact are known since so long. Just take the famous customer experience delivery gap I mentioned here.
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  7. A few years ago I attended an event, organized by our partner BT Global Services. When talking about digital transformation, back then a relatively new term, several CIOs reminded how they always had transformed, illustrating their statements with state-of-the-art projects across a broad range of business functions, processes and technologies of the SMAC stack such as cloud computing (a major area for BT Global Services).

    It needs to be said that the average CIO attending the event worked for a large enterprise, the typical customers of BT Global Services. Now that digital (business) transformation has become a broadly adopted and – admittedly – often somewhat misunderstood term, what are CIOs thinking about digital transformation? Isn’t it just a matter of a few CIOs or projects anymore? How does it impact them?
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  8. One: workers spend far too much time seeking the information they should have immediately available in order to effectively do their job. Two: the time that these workers need to successfully do their job is restricted by all sorts of tasks and activities which hinder them from de facto being successful. Among these tasks and activities: seeking information, which links both classic challenges.

    It’s a challenge for knowledge workers and beyond in times where information, collaboration and new skillsets are required to be effective. In this article we focus on salespeople and what stands in their way to be effective, from a perspective of time, information and activities they (have to) spend too much time on, keeping them from their actual task which in the case of salespeople is still selling the last time we checked.
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  9. Do you feel like a content marketing loser? Like even though you’re using the same strategies as the celebrity bloggers, the crowd keeps passing you by? In a super post about “getting lucky” in the content marketing world, Tracy Feit Love breaks it down to this memorable example:

    “Two guys walk into a bar (humor me here). The first guy walks up to a woman and says, ‘Hi. I make a lot of money and drive a really fast car, so you will definitely want to go out with me. Here’s my number. When you’re ready to go out, call me.’
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  10. Today's marketers are facing a paradox: We have better intelligence and tools for driving growth than ever before. Data-driven digital marketing, programmatic and audience buying are proven to be delivering results. But if return on investment ROI » is going up, why are sales in decline?
    There are some simple causes and effects: Media inflation continues to increase across all channels, while reach has declined for most every channel and publisher. Rising costs combined with declining reach drives up Cost-Per-Point CPP » , which means creative needs to be exponentially more effective to deliver the same results (and that's before attenuation of media attention is factored in). In most cases, even the best creative cannot offset the decline in efficiency. It's just math. And as the math suggests, in most cases we'd expect to see a decline in payback. Yet most channel-specific measurements show a positive ROI. Why?
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Mopinion is a proud sponsor of User Feedback News. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of User Feedback Tools in order to collect feedback from the user. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise user feedback results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.