Tags: user-feedback*

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  1. It is also vital to fully analyse this data to get the most out the feedback and uncover the best insights, to really optimise your online ordering funnels.
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  2. Have you ever looked at your web statistics and found that your bounce rates are really high but your conversion rates are really low? You know that this isn’t a good sign, but you have no idea why it’s happening or how to fix it. So what now? In this blog, we will take a closer look at some of the best User Experience (UX) tools.
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  3. Voice of the Customer (VoC) software is intended to capture the opinions and preferences of online customers, analyse those insights, and supply businesses with the means to create meaningful changes in digital customer experience (CX). As priorities are continuously being placed on CX initiatives, it’s safe to say that these kinds of software aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not to mention, having a VoC programme in place has become increasingly more popular and essential, especially as more and more businesses (nearly 72% to be precise) continue to place CX as their top priority. So how do you know which type of VoC software is right for your business?
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  4. The “lean startup” is a trend in the business world that’s growing rapidly. Lean startup methods encompass a way of doing business that focuses on gaining customer feedback in real-time, allowing businesses to make more informed and successful decisions.
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  5. Collecting and analysing in-app feedback can be very straightforward – provided that you have the right tools and methodology in place to do so. In a previous article, we outlined several reasons why collecting in-app feedback is important for the mobile user experience. The next step is to demonstrate how this feedback can be collected. There are three options to choose from when it comes to collecting feedback in-app – all of which offer their own advantages and drawbacks. These methods include: Webviews, SDKs and APIs.
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  6. Customer experience is the new global currency for companies looking to invest in differentiation and growth. Best-in-class firms have leaped in eagerly, capturing customer feedback at every touchpoint, closing the loop quickly and integrating efforts across their entire organization.

    There are many different theories on how to build and sustain a customer experience program, and advancing technology continues to provide lots of cutting-edge measurement, reporting and planning tools. However, understanding foundational components is essential for company leadership as they look to adopt best practices. Here are five basic concepts to help firms raise their CX game.
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  7. There is a deluge of website feedback tools. Because of the diversity of feedback applications, you quickly loose the overview and it is not always clear where exactly the difference lies. What can be accomplished with which tool?
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  8. Internet privacy and more specifically, the use of session recording tools have been a hot debate in recent months. While regulators and industry leaders concern themselves with how marketers will use the recorded sessions collected from these tools, there are also concerns regarding the social and criminal impact of storing personal, privacy-sensitive data without the visitor knowing. Is it really smart to be using these tools?
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  9. As a business owner, your primary goal is improvement—you’re constantly trying to re-invent your business strategies and ideals to make your company shine. A big part of this is reception: what do your customers think of your company?
    The correlation between popular businesses and higher customer satisfaction is easy to see. It’s true that more people will flock to your company after hearing positive things from friends and family. It’s long been recognized that people remember negative experiences more easily, so what can you do to improve overall customer satisfaction? Let’s look at what you can do to make your company retain the loyalty and respect of your patrons.
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  10. CX professionals may not like to admit it, but one of the benefits of a low customer satisfaction score is plenty of room for improvement and potential easy wins. But what do you do if your customer satisfaction is already high?

    For Shaun Wilton, Deb Heaphy and the rest of the CX team at Carsales.com, being at the top of their game is no reason to rest on their laurels. Working with technology from Zendesk, the team has dug deeper into customer insights to create a voice-of-customer (VoC) approach that seeks to deliver the best outcome for customers in all instants.
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Mopinion: The Leading User Feedback Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of User Feedback News. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of User Feedback Tools in order to collect feedback from the user. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise user feedback results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.