Mopinion has just introduced a new way of displaying feedback forms on a client’s website. Instead of the regular modal or pop-up windows, forms can now slide in elegantly from the side or bottom of the screen.
Online consumers today want to be sure that they can trust your business before making any purchases; a demand that requires you to provide a high degree of transparency. And for many companies in the ecommerce industry, this vital need for transparency translates to the adoption of ecommerce rating and review tools.
An optimal online experience for visitors is important for the CNV Vakmensen websites, especially as this directly contributes to the success of their business. These websites allow visitors to explore and understand why they should become or remain a member of CNV Vakmensen.
According to a study carried out by RTE, over 30% of companies do not monitor what is being said about them online – whether it’s on their website, mobile app or social media profiles. And interestingly enough, much of this hesitancy is attributed to their fear of negative online feedback.
Grow fast or die slow – that is the mantra that many startup owners repeat to themselves every morning in the mirror. And for a good reason – considering nearly half of small businesses fail the first four years, according to SmallBizTrends. But it doesn’t have to be so stressful – that is, if you’re familiar with the concept of growth hacking and growth hacking tools.
Mopinion is proud to announce that the following are now available within our Feedback Analytics software:
Optimised Excel Export Function
Improved Performance in Dashboard and Chart Loading
New API to retrieve feedback from Mopinion software
New Help Section (in Navigation)
Online feedback tools come in many shapes and sizes. While some are intended to improve internal processes such as product development, others focus more on providing insights into the customer journey or enhancing user experience.
It won’t come as surprise for you to hear that mobile phone usage has been increasing over the past decade. With the launch of the iPhone and other modern smartphones hitting the market, much of the population now expect to be able to do many everyday tasks through their mobile devices.
Lots of digital-first companies in today’s business world deal with website bugs with what we call bug tracking tools, or issue tracking tools. These are systems that enable digital teams (including developers, digital marketers, web analysts, etc) to report, manage, track and resolve bugs.
Capturing the Voice of the Customer at every touchpoint in the online customer journey is critical in the travel industry. Nearly “75% of consumers expect to be able to provide real-time feedback on their experiences” whilst on travel websites.