One of the primary complaints about millennial employees is that they often expect frequent promotion or raises, when they have not put in the work to earn them. While many see this as entitled, it’s important to unpack where this tendency comes from. According to a recent Addison Group survey, 82% of millennials expect a promotion and/or raise at least every other year. Clearly this is a trend that cannot be ignored, as most young adults desire it. Today, it’s necessary for employers to incorporate some way of measuring millennial employees that can be viewed instantly and give them a sense of where they stand.
Millennials have grown up with everything at their fingertips and instant feedback. Think about their exposure to video games and how instantaneous the feedback is in a game. There’s a running scoreboard, where one can always see where they stand and know if they will win, lose, or move to the next level. It’s no surprise then that young employees are looking for frequent feedback, a scoreboard on their progress, and a road map to where they are headed.