Do you know what executives who know their customers very well and can put them in their shoes better than others, do? They dont sit behind computer screens, in planes or in boardrooms the whole time. They go out and visit their customers in frequent and systematic way. And it teaches them lots of things they can use to validate customer experience insights, find content opportunities, improve their marketing, service, products and so much more.
Obviously, the same goes regarding customer-facing employees. When was the last time you talked to one of your customer service reps, for instance? While were all very busy, the customer not only deserves our time, understanding him/her will also make your life less busy as many of the insights and customer intelligence you gather, will help you work in a more informed, real and effective way when taking decisions. Also talk to the customer(s) of your customer(s) now and then or observe how they buy, what they want, how they act.
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