If you want to have a real impact on the development of your students, it is essential to provide formative feedback. But it is also important that this does not take up too much of your time It is this idea which lies behind the Personalised Formative Feedback as Standard (Standaard Maatwerk bij Formatieve Feedback StaMaFF) project undertaken at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. Is it possible to resolve this seeming contradiction with the use of a digital feedback tool? The first experiences yield a mixed picture.
In John Hatties 2009 meta-study synthesising a wide range of studies in the field of education research, the significance of feedback ranked an impressively-high 10th place. Formative feedback scored even higher, ranking 3rd. Feedback focused on the task, the process and self-regulation provides the students with guidance which lets them progress towards the desired end goal (feed up). By also devoting attention to the next steps students should take (feed forward), lecturers can provide concrete recommendations as to the best way forward.
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